Thursday, December 23, 2010

Projekt AK LIVE: Pantai Chenang, Langkawi 2010

Catch Projekt AK at Langkawi this New Year's Eve!

Kugiran D'Tepi Pantai New Year Party

Venue: Babylon Batique, Pantai Chenang, Langkawi
Date: 31 December 2010
Time: 9.30pm onwards
Entrance: Free

See you there!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Projekt AK LIVE: Fallen Heroes 2010



Band-band yang akan menggegarkan hari anda:
Infectious Maggots

Spiral Kinetic Circus
dan ramai lagi
(sila tengok risalah di bawah)

Kecapilah nikmat bermuzika bersama artis kesayangan anda 11hb Disember 2010 ini. Jangan lupa bawa duit lebih untuk makan Fish & Chips yang lazat di One Cafe! Adios!

click to enlarge

Untuk yang buta, saya ejakan satu-satu:

Date: 11 Dec 2010 (Saturday)
Venue: One Cafe, KL
Time: 2pm and so on
Ticket Price: RM25

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Happy Birthday My Love

Hubby-bee, though I'm not feeling well on this special day (yesterday that is), I hope you enjoyed your pre-birthday dinner and present, and a tiring outing with our hyper daughter.. :)

I've only known you a few years, yet I've learned a lot from you. Though sometimes your words are harsh, it never lack truth. Through bumpy roads, you were always there for me. Don't think I don't realise the sacrifices you've made to make me happy. You never fail to make me feel loved. When you include me in everything you do, I know you're comfortable with me, and that itself makes me special. That's why you're irreplaceable.

You're a great man, husband and father.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEE... Getaran jiwaku...

Monday, November 8, 2010

KL-Langkawi Transportation Budget

Oh dear, how I HATE travel preparation!!!

I am going to Langkawi (thanks to Projekt AK for making me go there!), though I love Langkawi very much, I hate the preparation, packing, planning, and whatever there is to set my foot there! The worst part is... the budgetting!!! Next would be the packing... grrr...

Anyway, below is my budget list for transportation ONLY! I'll be going there with hubby and baby Myra... so that'll be 2 adults and 1 infant. I do hope anyone could guide/correct me.

I need to pick the best, safest, most baby-friendly option, because my 'lil angel can't keep quite for more than an hour! hehe..

I'd go for the flight. Tapi mahal nak mampos! Takpe..takpe... nanti aku tidur aku pikirkanlah...
Korang jangan curi flight seat aku pulak!!!! Aku tengah planning baik-baik ni tetiba takde seat... worst still kalau harga naik lagi!

And that's why I don't travel.... &%$#@!


Projekt AK LIVE @ One Cafe 13 Nov 2010


Tak nampak ke? Meh aku ejakan satu-satu..

13 NOV 2010

Other bands you might know: Blind Tribe and Subculture, plus many more..

Saya suka mengkritik maka tolonglah berikan show yang terbaik dari ladang dan perangai penonton yang senonoh ya... ganbatte ne! sekian.

entry reposted (3rd Oct 2010)

upcoming gigs for Projekt AK:
11 dec 2010 - one cafe
new year's eve - babylon langkawi

Thursday, October 28, 2010

My New Love - Moly

Was a hardcore mountain biker since young...

But I am now into fixies! Meet my new love, GT Chromoly! (Gotta give her a name, or I'll just call her Moly)

Thanks hubby for working so hard to get the right one for me with a budget... I know, if we had more cash..... $$$..... the list would be endless.... :D haha...

Mula-mula memang susah la nak handle prewel mati ni. Mana tak nye, kayuh laju-laju pastu pedal tu pun sama laju jugak tak neutral. Turun bukit lagi bahana. Nak break, nak landing... gelabah jugak. Lagipun, seumur hidup I memang dengan BMX dan mountain bike je. So, hubby and I went for a practice ride (for me la), to 'know' my ride. Suai kenal namanya. 3 jam kitorang pusing-pusing tasik Putrajaya yang ada menara roket tu. Lama-lama aku dah tak pakai break dah. Break pakai pedal. Nanti aku nak buang la satu break. Sekarang dua-dua break ada, kecut lagi... :p

Catch me at Putrajaya from time to time. I may want to join those night riders. Curious to know.. hehehe...

Thursday, October 14, 2010

New Age Messaging

Pernah tak korang (atau mak korang) layan live chat kat tv tu? Ye, yang mahal, RM0.50 satu mesej.. Memang tak masuk akal la nak chat pun nak kena bayar mahal-mahal. Pastu pandai pulak Moderator dia bagi subjek yang hangat supaya orang lagi ligat la nak memberi sesen dua idea dan pendapat.

Tapi, apa yang aku takleh tahan sekali... pertama-tama sekali (ex-boss aku selalu cakap camni, dia cina nak try cakap melayu pasar tak berbaku, hahaha kelakar..) sambung.. pertama-tama sekali CARA penulisan tu memang aku tak boleh blahhhh...............

q da lamer x on9
pew khabar
aQ lapar lar
sayElse <-- haha tetiba nak kutuk "sials" ni.. eh memang nama dia ok..

dan pelbagai lagiiiiiiiiii.... termasuk saiz font yang suka-suka nAk TukaR pAda BebiLa mAsa.

Ini lagi satu petanda aku sudah tua dan tidak mengikuti peredaran zaman. Aku tak kisah la kau nak mengedar zaman ke, zaman beredar-edar ke, kau nak beredar sekali pun aku tak peduli, tapi kalau nak beredaran boleh tak nampak kemas sikit? Sakit mata, jiwa dan raga bila nak baca. Kalau anak aku sms aku camtu memang aku buang fon dia dalam toilet. Kalau nak mengarut eja suka hati, aku boleh hantar pergi kelas mengeja. Bahasa belum masuk lagi tu...

Apa alasan? Nak jimatkan ruang? Ada macam-macam lagi la cara nak pendekkan ayat... haiyooo...

Okla sudah... ni kira buang masa menaip je nih...

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Projekt AK LIVE: Rockstar Convention 2010

click image to enlarge

Hey there, funksters! Told y'all that Projekt AK will be performing after Raya. I'll see you there!

13 NOV 2010

Other bands you might know: Blind Tribe and Subculture, plus many more..

p/s: personal dislike for the flyer. no offense, it's just me. aku kan paranoid sket..



click image to enlarge


Selamat Hari Raya 2010

I don't blog much these days. Either I am too busy, or I just have a pc mobile that can't upload pictures on blogspot.. yet.. thus making me lazy enough to blog. Anyway, I promised to post a picture of my baby Humairah wearing baju kurung Fara did for her... Although she looks cute in it, she still has the attitude of a little mons... angel.. hihihi... Myra.. myra... you're the apple of my eyes... :)

This weekend, my friends and I plan to do Potluck Raya. By invitation only. My menu will be Curry mee... slurppp... lama tak buat. See you girls this weekend! Mwahs!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I Don't Talk To Idiots

Idiots annoy me big time. From dumbasses to zero IQs to assholes. If you see me not talking in a group, means I have detected an idiot. And if this idiot talks to me, God knows I want to shove my feet down his throat.. badly.

Life makes you bitchy. Life taught me to be bitter. And I don't give a damn if people hate me, coz I generally hate people. I am comfortable on my own... and with my own set of people..

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Humairah's Baju Raya - 2010

And again, this year's baju raya(s) are made by my ol' goody friend, Fara a.k.a Liz Rashid the "I Can Do That" Missy! And yes Fara, you can do anything!! I love you!

Just see how pretty the baju kurung and dress are. I just fell in love with it. Lagi-lagi bila Myra pakai, comel sangat-sangat... I will take pictures when Raya comes...

Next year, I'm forcing Fara to do my baju raya... heheheheheheeeehhhh....

For more of her crafts, visit I Can Do That!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Nona Zaman Sekarang


Lagu ni aku perform masa sekolah rendah Darjah 3 kot... nyanyi je la, bukan main instrument.
Our (Malaysian/Singaporean) musicians during those times do have the same standard as those abroad... giler arh...

Bukan nona je sekarang... semualah... termasuk aku... :p

Lirik dia cerita masa zaman tu, kalau zaman sekarang mesti lagi panjang lagu ni.. 8 minit kot...

note: i believe the song is not related to the video. though it kinda match.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Projekt AK "FUNKdeMENTAL" Debut Album - Out Soon!

. P R O J E K T . A K .


After Raya (2010)

My love/hate relationship with this band goes a long way. Can't wait for it to be out after so long. I mean like really really really long! All the best, guys.

For shows, contact Projekt AK
or through me also can one... (warning: aku extremely garang)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Projekt AK (Acid Trip - LIVE!): Underworld Screamers Penang 2010

Projekt AK - Acid Trip
LIVE @ Underworld Screamers Penang 2010

Logo-logo Pilihan

Mana cantek?

They all look the same to me...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

MC Days

Dah 3 hari aku mc ok... I hate it when I'm sick. I'm so useless and lousy and grumpy.

Tapi sempat jugak la aku plan aktiviti bersama kawan-kawan Sabtu ni. Nak buka puasa dengan dorang kat Secret Recipe, Subang Parade. Kelakar kan? Kalau baca ni mesti ingat post aku ni tahun 2003. Dah la Secret Recipe... Subang Parade lak tu. Itu tandanya, aku dah tua, mangkukkkk... Tapi aku tak tua lagi. Ada orang kata aku 25 tahun. Kembang kempis tersengih aku... :8D

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Petanda Terkena Gangguan Jin

Petanda Terkena Gangguan Jin

1) Sakit kepala dan dada selepas waktu asar keatas.
2) Badan terasa berat dan malas.
3) Sukar mendapat jodoh.
4) Badan terasa bisa-bisa/gatal.
5) Sakit/takut ketika ziarah orang meninggal.
6) Sukar tidur malam.
7) Sakit pinggang tanpa sebab.
8) Sakit dada bila waktu asar keatas.
9) Mimpi melihat binatang seperti ular dan binatang berbisa.
10) Bermimpi bayi/kanak-kanak atau menyusukan bayi.
11) Bermimpi jatuh dari tempat tinggi.
12) Bermimpi di tempat yang kotor.
13) Sakit anggota badan tertentu seperti kaki,tangan selepas waktu asar.
Ada terasa benda bergerak dibawah kulit.
15) Bayi kerap menangis.
16) Bunyi guli jatuh diatas syiling.
17) Suami isteri kerap bertengkar walau perkara kecil.
18) Sayang melampau-lampau pada orang yang baru dikenali.
19) Malas beribadat.
20) Nyanyuk ketika usia lanjut.
21) Panas baran.
22) Sikap berubah secara mendadak.
23) Gelisah dan panas ditengkuk bila dengar al-quran.
24) Suka melakukan tabiat buruk.
25) Kerap sendawa bila mendengar al-quran.
26) Kerap keguguran.
27) Gagal melakukan hubungan kelamin.
28) Mengantuk bila dengar al-quran.
29) Bermimpi seram yang menakutkan.
30) Darah haid turun lebih 15 hari.
31) Batuk yang berpanjangan tanpa sebab klinikal.
32) Selalu ditindih ketika tidur.
33) Kuat berangan.
34) Terlalu rasa rendah diri dan tidak berkeyakinan.
35) Nafsu seksual yang melampau.
36) Selalu melihat kelibat dirumah.
37) Terasa diri selalu diperhatikan/diekori.
38) Mandul.
39) Kerap mendengar sesuatu bisikan.
40) Melihat jin secara terus.
41) Sakit mental atau gila.

Lebih dari 3 simptom di atas, ada jin la tu dalam badan.
Rawat kat RAWATAN ISLAM ye... bukan bomoh.

Kalau nak test power ada tak jin dalam badan, mainkan (atau suruh orang bacakan) Ruqyah Syar'iyah, tutup mata dan dengar. Jangan baca dalam hati, jangan baca ikut surah, dengar je. Kalau lepas habis dengar tu ada batuk-batuk, berpeluh, rasa mual, jantung berdebar, rasa benda bawah kulit, sendawa, mengantuk, pening, menguap, etc.... ada jin la tu...

Aku ada test power tadi (main mp3), half-way through aku tertido... camne tu? (Tapi aku memang ngantuk pun dari pagi... eceh alasan)

Kawan aku cakap (sengaja tanak sebut nama), walaupun takde orang tujukan jin untuk kita (niat jahat), kadang-kadang jin tu sendiri nak menumpang badan kita. So, don't feel threatened if you think there's something in you. Consider yourself unlucky it picked you to suck out all the goodies in you. HAHAHAHAHAHAhahahhaha...... (gelak bergema)

Ayat Ruqyah

1 Al-Fatihah
2 Al-Baqarah 1-5
3 Al-Baqarah 102
4 Al-Baqarah 163-164
5 Al-Baqarah (Ayatul Kursi)
6 Al-Baqarah 285-286
7 Ali-Imran 18-19
8 Al-'Araf 54-56
9 Al-'Araf 117-122
10 Yunus 81-82
11 Toha 69
12 Al-Mukminun 115-118
13 As-Soffaat 1-10
14 Al-Ahqaaf 29-32
15 Ar-Rahman 33-36
16 Al-Hasyr 21-24
17 Al-Jin 1-9
18 Al-Ikhlas
19 Al-Falaq
20 An-Naas

Points taken from Rawatan Islam website.
Bukan aku yang pandai-pandai.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Komen Yang Takde Hasil Kalau Baca

Aku suka la komen-komen seperti kat chatbox aku tu (belah kiri bawah). Menunjukkan betapa mulianya hati orang-orang kita. Dari penulisan pun kita dapat agak umur orang tu... darjah 2 kot? Anyway, silalah komen macam tu lagi. Kasi hit page aku banyak lagi. Thank you.

Nak complain pasal Sate Kajang Haji Samuri..... korang memang sombong tahap dewa tonggeng. Silalah perbaiki perwatakan anda, kalau tidak mungkin business tak diberkati... sekian.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Rindu Kat Kawan-Kawan

Haiii bila la bleh lepak ngan kawan-kawan aku...?

Sesi berbuka puasa, cadangan dibuka!!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Projekt AK LIVE @ Switchblade!

It's been a long time since I posted anything on Projekt AK. Too busy to write my own shit. Too busy to even sleep!


Catch Projekt AK LIVE @ Switchblade

Date: 6th August 2010 (Friday)
Time: 10 p.m.
Venue: Switchblade™ Kuala Lumpur (click for map)

It's a clothing store & diner.
No cover charge.
Suitable for family with children.

Projekt AK has been quite actively performing in small gigs. To name some; Penang Underground Screamers (17th July 2010) and lately at Yoko's, Changkat Bukit Bintang (23rd July 2010).

For those who've missed them, don't forget to catch their last show at Switchblade before puasa month! I'll be there!

Be their fan here! Listen to their single and view their latest pics!

(After Raya, more shows to come)


Download Corner

Caller Ringtone: Projekt AK "Higher"


"Higher" (Chorus) - Dial *131*133346#
"Higher" (Bridge) - Dial *131*133347#


1. Go to musicunlimited
2. Click Buy either on "Higher" Chorus or "Higher" Bridge

RM3 first purchase, renew at RM2 per song per month.


1. Taip GET 10100234818 dan SMS ke 2000 :: untuk Lagu Penuh
2. Taip GET 10100234811 dan SMS ke 2000 :: untuk bahagian Bridge
3. Taip GET 10100234810 dan SMS ke 2000 :: untuk bahagian Chorus


1. Go to DiGi Music
2. Click on the download icon for Full Song, Bridge or Chorus

RM5 for full song, RM4 for Chorus or Bridge


Monday, July 12, 2010

Kimchi - Open for Orders

Apsal aku takde masa nak blog dah ni?????

Ok, setelah 8 jam aku berhempas di dapur nak buat makanan kegemaran aku, hubby and seluruh team Olympic Korea, kini Kimchi halal dari aku telahpun siap. 4 jam pemerapan, 2 jam penyediaan, 2 hari peram. so total berapa jam? 56 hours? Harga? RM8 je!! Berbaloi ke tak, terpulang pada individu. Bagi aku sangat berbaloi sebab aku suka makan kimchi. Ini je la diet terbaru aku boleh praktik. Makan dan makan lagi tanpa gemuk.. hahaha...

Gambar takde, tunggu la aku amik nanti. Nak blog pun takde masa camne? Ni aku nak pegi Avon pun tak pegi-pegi lagi. Patu kain kat umah dah bertimbun macam boleh buat tilam 'single' lagi satu. Belum tengok ladang nenas belakang umah aku, senget sebab kurang kasih sayang. hahaha... cian dia..

Kimchi Dibitz
RM8/pack (equivalent to taufufa packaging)
Ingredients contain fish sauce and sesame seed. Vegan harap maaf...
Bahan-bahan dan kawasan penyediaan halal. Eceh sekarang kawasan penyediaan pun kena halal.

Setakat area aku selalu lalu, aku deliver terus la. Kalau nak pos, kena invest packaging mahal sket, botol ke apa supaya tak tumpah. Harga pun kena lain la kot.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Acar Buah Hajjah Rubiah Lubis Pre-Order

RM 8 / pack
(approx. weight: 320g)
Pic credits to Adarasa
(picture may vary)

RM 8 / pack
(approx. weight: 320g)

Choice of order:
-Acar buah
-Acar buah + limau
-Acar limau (mahal sket la ye)

Other specialties:
-Paceri Nenas (yang jenis clear, bukan kari)
-Kimchi (jeruk hidangan harian orang Korea)
-Mi Kari

Acar buah bersama limau (hard to get this).
Pre-order now for Hari Raya.
Nak order untuk sekarang pun boleh.

Bila masak, janganlah terlebih santan. Yang renyah-renyah, biarlah saya lakukan.
Haha... ceeee.... motto tahpape...

Monday, June 14, 2010

Garaa Band - Lost Live @ KL Jam Asia

Dulu sebelum kesedaran tentang Illuminati, Freemason, Zionist dan sebagainya, kitorang selalu lepak Starbucks. Almost everyday you can find me at Starbucks with Fyzal. Alasan: ada wi-fi. Hoi, time dulu memang susah nak cari tempat ada wi-fi. Starbucks saja yang ada. Kena pulak kitorang memang suka layan surfing, baca manga online, blabla..

That afternoon, Fyzal and I took half-day off and went straight to Starbucks Wangsa Maju. We'd of course bring our casual clothes and change before hanging out, just like school days. Our favourite was Hazelnut Hot Coffee. Thanks to Elly who introduced to me that drink. She said while she was in the US, she sipped hazelnut coffee on a breezy chilly day and said "sedapnyeeeeee.... panas dan sungguh sedap...". Lepas tu aku pun cuba la. Tau je la, Starbucks tu sejuk betul. And of course it was really good for chilly days. Bliss!

Fyzal and I just loafed around, reading manga, watching youtube, just totally lazing like no other people's business, when later Apek, Nan and Arab arrived. We watched this really funny Japanese comedy: Cromartie High - the Movie. It was from a manga turned movie. Sumpah lawak cerita tu. Lawak bangang tahap tak masuk akal. (Tapi aku rasa Detroit Metal City lagi kelakar la). Kitorang boleh la duduk beramai-ramai tengok skrin laptop cerita bangang tu pastu gelak sampai menangis-nangis. I tell you, zaman remaja aku telah di"extend"kan sehingga lewat 20-an. It was one of my best times. Living like nobody cares. (Drinks ordered: 2 cups, Hours spent: approx. 8 hours).

After the "movie", I saw Arab went out for a smoke. I followed him and stood next to him while he lighted his cigarrette. I turned to him; "OoooOOooo... minat kat kawan I ye...?". Tersengih dia; "Hehehe... eh minat la...". "You nak kawan ngan dia ke?", I asked shamelessly. "Kalau boleh apa salahnye...".

So, one day I picked Elly from her house, while rambling about my problems to her, I drove to Keramat to pick Fyzal and Arab. It's not that they don't have cars, but it was part of my plan. So the boys sat behind us, Fyzal was behind Elly and Arab behind me. And one thing I will remember 'til I die, Arab all of a sudden became childish, happy, jumpy, grinning away... pastu cuit-cuit lengan aku dari belakang. Cuit cuit cuit cuit cuit... I turned quietly to him and signaled; "Shhh!!!!". Tak sangkanya dia sungguh happy. Aku rasa takde siapa yang happy sebegitu bila jumpa aku! Hahaha..

Tu la dia, dia memang minat kat Elly sejak pertemuan pertamanya di rumah kawan kami di Puchong itu. Fyzal la yang bagitau aku. Bukan main happy lagi dapat keluar bersama-sama. Elly of course didn't know about my plans. But after that it was all up to Arab to make his first move. I only opened the door for him, and he did the rest. And they are still a very loving couple until now. I'm so glad they look good with each other. I believe they compliment each other very well.

Remembering those days really make me smile. Like I said, felt like my crazy days were extended. Doing silly things, skipping work, adhoc plans, hanging out til late, falling in love, meeting new people... I wish I could go back and do it all over again, not changing anything, but going through it again.

So, here's our last song, I managed to finish it in one day, melody and lyrics. We rushed for this last piece because we were about to perform not long after that. I remember writing the lyrics in a foodcourt at Low Yat. Because Apek named the song "Lost", I tried to just hover over the title. It represents all my girlfriends who were going through tough times in their love life at the time. Tough times are gone now. Lagu ni sebenarnya tak siap, macam tajuk dia jugak la, lost. Hehe.. Hope you enjoy this last number.

Song: Apek, Dibitz, Fyzal, Arab, Nan
Lyrics: Dibitz

Touch my soul tonight
Help me heal this pain
In the rain
I don't wanna fight
I don't wanna sink myself
With this chain

Trapped in yearning
Free but I'm crying

Hold me close tonight
I wanna feel you close
And remain
Reach me hold me tight
Free me from this coldness
I am chained

Trapped in yearning
Free but I'm crying

Calling for your love
Lost in silence
I'm alone
Wasted, shattered dreams
So cold

Calling for your love
Lost in silence
I'm all alone
Wasted memories
They're all gone

Sayonara people!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


"Brainwashing is a system of befogging the brain so a person can be seduced into acceptance of what otherwise would be abhorrent to him. He loses touch with reality. Facts and fancy whirl round and change places.... However, in order to prevent people from recognizing the inherent evils in brainwashing, the Reds pretend that it is only another name for something already very familiar and of unquestioned respect, such as education or reform." Edward Hunter, Brainwashing (New York: Pyramid Books, 1956), pages 185-186)

When I think about it, it is true mostly what we learned in school (especially Unifarksity), WE DON'T REALLY USE THEM! The true reason we go to school, colleges and university, is because we were taught to. More than half of my life is/was spent with other than my family!

Money, Power, Fame, Respect. These were the goals. These were my goals.

What do I get now? None of them. Such a waste of time. If I didn't got to that extent in school, I'd just end up at the same place I am now. Unless of course you're the bread of those special boys club fraternity shit.

Should I send my children to school then? Sigh... Sekolah pondok boleh?

Surroundings falling like withered flowers... one by one, we all fall... If not physically, it's always emotionally... Always attacking our soul... always...

Expectations, we must throw this away. We don't expect, we don't hope, and we won't be failed.

I am not afraid of you.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Gua janji tak pernah mungkir ya... nah gambar-gambar...

Gambar-gambar yang aku sempat ambil adalah Candy, Sons of Adam, Junction dan Rockers sahaja. Tapi gambar-gambar Candy and Sons of Adam tak cantik, maka ini saja la yang boleh lepas QC. Enjoy!

Hatta (Junction)

Junction performing.
Look at all the cameras around me. Made mine really looked like from the 90's.

Hatta (Junction) on the speakers where we stood. Boleh capai dengan tangan.

BJ (Rockers)
A true guitar hero.

Joe (Rockers)
Rockstar habis gaya dia.
"Berapa banyak lagu daa... sikit-sikit sudah la. Ko bukan tau umur aku masih mudaaa..."
Cracks me up everytime!

Irman (Rockers) & I
Ni la gambar yang aku rasa disabotajkan. Next time aku belikan dia cekak, suruh pakai sebelum bergambar. No kompromi. Irman you owe me another picture.
Irman, my drum hero. Kalau setakat Malaysia & Singapura, Irman memang no. 1, bagi aku la...

Me, Arab, Hatta (Junction) & his girl.

Elly, Arab (lagi? tak aci), Hatta (Junction) & his girl, Fyzal

**click pics to enlarge**

Click for more TRIBUTE TO ROCK KANGKANG 2010

Going back to the 90's was really fun. I was really impressed some dressed the way it was then.

Tapi jangan la harap setiap gig Rock Kangkang aku pergi. Memang tak laa.. Ini pun pasal dorang ni aje.

Oh ya.. after reading my comments, I must mention that the crowd that night were really great. And the rockstars were very friendly. I guess the years built them. :)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Yup, gua dah cakap gua pergi, lu apasal tak pergi?

Anyway, we reached there kinda early. Like, after lunch? Awal nak mampos, konon-konon nak terserempak la dengan Irman Rockers. Haha... bertuah le. Dapat tau dorang main lepas Maghrib. Lepas Maghrib??? Adeh. Mesti habis kul 11pm. Humairah kena duduk lama la kat rumah tok-tok dia. Sorry dear. And sorry papa and mama. :p

Of course I was not interested with the other bands, so hubby and I went strolling at Pertama. Mengenang kembali zaman kanak-kanak, kitorang berdua bantai main game kat sana. Haha.. Game apa lagi, game ol-skool la. Street Fighter II and Raiden II. Sah kitorang dah tua, round ke-2 dah senget-senget badan elak peluru sambil jerit-jerit. Dulu boleh main sambil berborak gelak-gelak lagi... cehh dulu siap tau kat mana takkan kena peluru, duduk setempat patu jeling-jeling keliling, muka control la apalagi. Walau bagaimana pun.... nama kita tetap ranking 1 and 2 okay.... hehe mana tak nye, mana ada orang main game tu dah, hahaha... raking 3 nama dia AAA... (default).

Lepas ArabElly sampai, kitorang pun bergerak ke 1Cafe tu. Ternampak Hatta Junction kat sana. Pergh dah nak pergi salam dah, nak ambil gambar sama-sama. (Rupa-rupanya bukan! Hahaha... seb baik tak bikin malu). Dari jauh muka sama ok. He won the best dress award later on. Kalau korang pergi, mesti korang tau siapa. Maybe it was just us who thinks he looks like Hatta. 20 tahun la mana orang nak cam dah.

Anyway, we went in when Candy was performing. I think they look prettier than before. Of course their final song "Akan Ku Tunggu" was a major craze. There's this one guy who jumped up on stage and sang from verse 2 until the end. Potong betul. Weh mahal tau tiket ni, kesian la kat peminat Candy. Apa-apapun, Candy tetap rock.

Lepas tu, rehat untuk Solat Maghrib. Dalam pukul 8pm, Sons of Adam pulak perform. Seriously I have never listened to them before. Aku masih muda kot. Otai tetap otai. Dorang main memang sapu habis la artis muda kita sekarang. Aku suka bassist dia, tapi aku rasa dia bukan line-up original. Sessionist je kot. Tapi aku suka lah. Suka suka suka. Pastu boleh la pulak orang jerit "Itu blues! Bukan rock.." Eh eh... boleh pulak kamu ye...

Junction pula naik pentas. Time ni la kitorang dapat tau kitorang salah "Hatta" awal-awal tadi. We chanted Hatta's name until he noticed our group and came straight to shake our hands. Lu memang cool la bro. When they started, he even jumped on the monitors, like exactly above me and sang. To my notice, everyone beneath him was in awe. I quickly snapped pictures (to be uploaded) with my goddamn old fashioned camera. I should get a new one. Memang teruk la kalau ambil gambar dalam dewan. Apa-apa pun tak nampak. Nampak habuk je lebih. Of course they played the old time favourite song "Akan Ku Kenang" in a much lower key. But Hatta sure still can pull his vocals. Scream Hatta Scream! I enjoyed every bit of their perfomance.

And then Revenge came up on stage. (bunyi cengkerik)
Pemotong mood.


The most awaited band finally came up on stage, Rockers! By this time, I totally lost my voice. I could not sing along. Sad sad sad. To me, I was happy when they played Harakah. One of my favourite song. I just could not take my eyes off Irman, the drummer. To be honest, I started listening to Rockers just a couple of years ago. Thanks to hubby, it's all worth the listening. When I first heard them, I was amazed by the music. The drumming especially, Irman sure does not play like any local/malay rock bands. And I bet, some international drummers can't play like him either. So, our mission was to experience first hand on his drumming skills. Okay, memang melampau. All their songs were improvised that night. Sigh. BJ the guitar hero, and the original vocalist (what's his name) was on bass. Kitorang sempat la bergambar dengan Irman. Tapi gambar hubby je yang lawa, gambar aku cam ... Rasa macam Irman dan hubby ada perasaan dengki kat aku kot. Boleh tak time bergambar dengan aku kipas tiup kat rambut Irman lalu tertutup la muka dia. Hubby pulak tak check balik gambar! eeeeeeeee...... aku buat rambut khas untuk saat itu tau!

Takpe, gambar aku bersama Hatta lawa...

Datang la lagi ye Rockers. We love you!

p/s: Pasal sound system, no comment. Aku duduk betul-betul kat speaker.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Going Kimchi Over You

"kimchi, i love you..."

Aku tak sabar! Hujung minggu ni, aku nak buat kimchi.

I don't care. Aku nak buat berbalang-balang kimchi! Berbekas-bekas banyaknya sampai aku muntah darah makan kimchi nih... Kau tunggu laaaaa...!!!!

Siapa nak pesan, cakap cepat. Boleh aku beli lebih bahan-bahan. Nak buat bukan sekejap. Alang-alang buat banyak terus. First try, FOC. Sedap tak sedap belakang kira. Hahahaa...

Bila kimchi ni dah siap, bolehlah makan dengan nasi. Ganti sambal belacan. Atau kimchi ni boleh dibuat sup, rasa ala-ala tomyam. Sedapnya... slurrrrrp.

Kimchi boleh simpan lamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....... sebab dia dah jadi jeruk. Tambahan lagi, kimchi adalah makanan untuk kesihatan.

Ok, aku tak tau sampai bila aku gilakan kimchi ni. I am so makcik-makcik nowwww!!!! Tolong!!!!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Jangan Panik

I had the weirdest dream (not), Dian P. Ramlee was my mom's neighbour and she was evil as a witch. She scolded me for parking in front of her house. I smiled and looked at her, "Aunty!".

"Don't call me aunty!", she shouted back.
"Oh, err kakak? You don't remember me but you may remember my mom."
"Yea.. hmph like who?"
"Rubiah Lubis?", I smiled.
"Yeah, I know her. So what do you want?", she was evil, not the cheery looking face I see on tv.
"Err.. nothing? I wasn't looking for you. My mom's house is over there.", I pointed towards my mom's house, just 3 doors away.

So she looked at where I pointed, then looked at me, "Ok fine, come in. What do you want to drink? Help yourself to the lemon barley at the counter. We're having a mini party for our daughter."

wtf. I'm not going to continue with this stupid dream story. hahaha... This is what you get for dozing off at noon.


Anyway, I'm freaking annoyed with my colleague and principals and bosses and big boss. Jangan panik boleh tak? Timeline for delivery dah dekat, ye aku tau. Tapi korang boleh tak buat decision yang tak kelam kabut sangat. So unproffesional. Set a date for delivery and that's it. Dah bertahun buat bisnes pun kabut. Pfft...


I tell you what I'm addicted to now. Kimchi. Kimchi. Kimchi. Kimchi.
Please take me to The Gardens' Foodcourt. I want KIMCHI!!! I slurrrrrping love you kimchiiiii!!!!!!!!!

Bee, jom la.. kimchi... pleaseee...... *wink* *wink* *wink*

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Click Me!

Please click my ads...

Hehehe... Tatau nak blog apa arini...

Ada, tapi berat sangat. Tengah tak sihat...

Friday, May 7, 2010


click on image

Rock terus! Jumpa lu di sana!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

Hahahaha... See you ROCKERS this 30 May 2010!


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I'm glad I quit Facebook

After reading one of my fav blogger Chawanna, I know now I made the right choice of not getting too involved in Facebook. During those days where I was actively commenting, tagging, browsing, etc friends' pages, I found myself getting heated up everytime I read stupid comments here and there. Like, why the hell do I care in the first place? I should just let them be the way they are. But no, you tend to get too absorbed in it. And me being temperamental, I just couldn't control my anger.

Now I barely touch Facebook, and I feel so much 'healthier'. Come on people, get your face off that Facebook. Smell the flowers and coffee. See the bright daylight. Watch the evening rain. Take a walk in the park. Do something else besides tapping on your keyboard. Our life is short, treasure it.

When you're 40, and people ask you "What did you do when you were 30?". Gosh I have no answer. Hahahahaha...

But don't get me wrong. Some do make good use of Facebook. Doing business, meet old friends, spread good words of faith, etc. Unfortunately, majority of us just browse and nose around other people's businesses. Yes? Envying other people's success. Yes? Comparing your tummy with some hot chicks abs. Yes? Oh okay that was just me. :)

Anyway, push it all aside. Malaysian's no.1 browsing site is... jeng jeng jeng... Facebook. So... Let's do something more meaningful! I am glad my close friends have other activities besides Facebooking. Not like this one aunty I saw in Al-Rawsha Ampang, from her car to the table through dinner and back to her car, her notebook was on and her face was practically in the notebook, smiling, giggling. Hahaha... Kesian. Laki dia duduk sebelah dia hisap rokok sampai paru-paru nak pecah. Jangan esok-esok rumahtangga pun pecah. Touch wood.

During Myspace was not so bad because it didn't have this News Feed feature. Facebook has like everything and everything about your 'friend'. Things you supposedly need not know, you know. Sometimes without knowing, we breached people's privacy and we assume our friend is happy (when they're not) and vice versa. Yes, so why put up a status if you don't want people to know about your life? Sometimes, we get angry we don't think right, and we put whatever nonsense in your status and now the whole world knows you are unhappy (or are you really unhappy)? Okay, whatever. I'm just babbling nonsense now.

What I'm trying to say is, don't guess/assume about other people. It's a sin. Aku dah lari topik ke ni? I think so hahaha...

Anyway, let's cherish our life. Go do something meaningful. I promise you, it's way more fun than Facebooking. Instead of chatting through the net, why don't we just go meet them over a cup of tea. Won't that be more sincere? Plus seeing your friend smile infront of you gives you inner happiness. (Okay you can stop gawking! pfft..)

Tomorrow is a sacred day for me. Happy Anniversary Bee. I loved you then. I love you more now.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Disney and Its Hideout : Hypocrisy

Disney hired Victor Salva, a convicted child molester, to direct its movie Powder. When Salva's victim, Nathan Winters, then 20, publicized the hiring, some of the police officers who investigated the 1987 molestation were incredulous that Salva was working again as a movie director. "It just blows me away," said Officer Gary Primavera. "He has serious signs of still being a pedophile." One Disney official, John Dreyer, refused to respond to Winter's demand that Disney fire Salva, saying, "What's the point other than you want to make headlines?"
That's compassion for you. Continuing to be employed with Disney money, Salva has made "Jeepers Creepers" and "Jeepers Creepers 2" (2004) which he wrote and directed. With his history in mind, watching the movies with their undercurrents and teen boys is creepy.

Newsweek reported that in 1996, Disney considered buying Ripe, a movie about the deflowering of 14-year-old twins. Bad publicity was all that stopped the deal from being made.

In 1995, Disney-owned Miramax released the homosexual movie, "Lie Down With Dogs". Great book, horrible movie. Seems Disney just wanted to make a "gay" movie to be hip and get in the gay market. The reviews written about it at are better than the torture of the film.

Kids (Miramax) was described by Variety magazine as "one of the most controversial American movies ever made." According to Newsweek, "The film follows a number of barely pubescent-looking boys and girls around New York City as they smoke pot, bait gays, beat a black man and engage in graphic sex. "Under pressure Miramax formed an independent company to market and distribute the pornographic movie." (Daily Variety, 1/27/95; Newsweek, 2/20/95; Wall Street Journal, 3/30/95; Associated Press, 6/29/95)

Priest, another Miramax release, depicts five Catholic priests as perverts and blames their perversion on Church teachings. One priest is homosexual-as-pervert; a second an adulterer; a third an alcoholic; a fourth demented; and the fifth just plain mean and vicious. This was such an alarming and sick movie that the gay newspaper The Advocate reported it under the heading "Family Alert Issues" 3/10/95, 4/4/95, 4/18/95;

When Disney's Hollywood Records released an album by the band Sacred Reich, they sent thousands of marijuana bongs to radio stations as an advertising ploy to get them to play the record. Yet DIsney claims a staunch and rabidly anti-drug stance.

Glen Danzig and his band of the same name was picked and groomed by Disney to be a kind of Disney-exclusive money making rock machine, much as today's hand-picked-and-groomed "Boy Bands" ala N'Sync and Backstreet Boys. Danzig, to hear him tell, is a self-proclaimed Satanist and sang about suicide, self-mutilation, sex with demons, and rape. The band once made a video called, "It's Coming Down" with scenes of sadomasochism, masturbation and genital mutilation. MTV found it so offensive they refused to air it. Danzig also starred in a Disney made movie, Prophecy II (it's hysterically bad..if you need a laff, go rent it). When questioned about this hardcore "talent" and nefarious past, Disney said Danzig was "harmless, simply misunderstood". They saw Glen's "message" as behavior as some rock-theater-clowning. Danzig fans would disagree and so it would appear that Danzig's band and lifestyle was pretty hard core and serious. Yet there he was making weenie-*** Disney who's scamming who?

Bands signed by Disney owned and funded Hollywood Records include(d):

Human Waste Product - who sing about sex with the Virgin Mary while calling Her a "whore".

NY Loose - whose main theme in their songs is suicide. Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death among 15-24 year olds. Wholesome Disney family fun.

Seaweed - whose hit song was called "Drug Free Zone". The promo literature put out by the company quoted the lead singer as saying he did "so much cocaine my nose exploded into a bloody mess and I had to have plastic surgery. That was a pretty good one". This upset a lot of radio people (and parents) and who knew the age group who was reading this stuff.

Death Row Records and Interscope Records was acquired by Disney in 1997. The main fodder of these two companies is "gangsta rap", your basic misogynist, violent "black" music ALA Snoop Doggy Dogg and Dr. Dre. The Wall Street Journal reported that the FBI was investigating Death Row Records for gun and drug trafficking, and money laundering. In spite of this investigation, Disney Boss Michael Eisner offered Interscope's Tom Whalley a multimillion dollar contract to take over Hollywood Records. Whalley declined.

In 1989 Disney became a partner, and the one to own the largest % of shares in, Viewer's Choice "Hot Choice" - a leader in Pay-Per-View cable soft porn. Until Disney showed up, Viewer's Choice had only played action films and comedies. The profits were decent but Disney wanted better, and decided to launch the "soft porn" division in 1993. To develop original programming for their creation, Disney offered porn star Becky LeBeau a $7-figure deal and share of the profits. She appeared in many films herself and hosted an all-nude modeling program which showed explicit footage if women, some as young as 18. Disney also signed the infamous and famous Marilyn Chambers, a veteran hard core porn star, to an exclusive multi-project deal a year after she won the "Lifetime Achievement Award" from the Adult Video Association.

Viewer's Choice has an exclusive contract with a production company for a series called, "American Stripper On Tour". The film crew visits all-nude strip joints around the country.

Bottom line?

Disney owns the largest percentage, as a partner, in the biggest company in the soft-to-medium porn market.
Disney owns many of the huge record labels producing the very bands and topics the "Parental Advisory" label was created for - bands that glorify rape, drugs, murder, hate, racism, violence against women, violence, period
Disney owns many of the huge movie studios producing some of the most outrageous crap yet to be made. You won't find any mention of those details as they push their Family Friendly, Pro-Family, Pro-Mom&Dad, Pro-Happy Safe Healthy Children Agenda though. As one insider said, "The New Disney will do just about anything to make a buck".
Can you feel the Disney Magic?

*stolen item

My say:
It's not that it is not okay to be "not okay" with all these crap. The question is; what makes you think it's okay to be "open-mided" with these crap. They made you think it is okay, yes?
We do have faith still, don't we?

"From among the Signs of the Hour is that the Religious knowledge will be taken away (by the death of religious Scholars) and general ignorance (or religion) will appear" -Saheeh Bukharee

Sigh, I'm still so far away.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Twinkle Little Star and You

Try to understand that Aleister Crowley the Satanist insisted his students to emphasize in backmasking. Believed to influence and mould through subliminal messages, in this topic, talk/sing backwards. I'm cutting this short, it's no point elaborating if you disagree with me at any point.

However, I asked myself many times, does the song "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" have any subliminal messages in it. I mean, it has the word Star in it, and I am extra sensitive with the words One, Eye, Order, Star, Sun, etc.

And it turned out to be worse than I can imagine. Thank you hubby for sourcing this out for me.

If you think it's crap, fine, suit yourself. If you can't at least feel terrible about this, wow, you sure are heartless.

No need to jump about it, the song somewhat does not oppose that Allah exists, right? Hehehe.. Loser.

I haven't have the time to search who actually composed this song. It doesn't matter any how. Satan has been around before we did and ever since he was casted out of Heaven, he'll do anything to stray us from the right path. So, does it matter who wrote it?

"Berwaspadalah terhadap syaitan demi keselamatan agama kamu. Dia telah berputus asa untuk menyesatkan kamu dalam perkara-perkara besar, maka berjaga-jagalah supaya kamu tidak mengikuti dalam perkara-perkara kecil."

- sebahagian daripada KHUTBAH TERAKHIR NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W. Khutbah ini disampaikan pada 9hb Zulhijjah. Tahun 10 Hijriyang di Lembah Uranah, Gunung Arafah

Yes, I am not perfect. A little effort goes a long way, InsyaAllah.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Projekt AK : upcoming gig

Aku dengar (dengar lagi..) Projekt AK ada show kat Pulau Pinang bulan Julai nih.

Ni last nih... kalau tahun ni Projekt AK tak kuar material dia, aku seriously nak sabotaj show dorang. Cth: Potong wayar mikrofon vokalis. Patu aku passkan gunting kat anak aku, supaya tak dapat disabitkan kesalahan.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Garaa Band - Neverends Live @ KL Jam Asia

I was on a stage. A big stage. At some lake, some event was going on. The stage was huge that I could see my bandmates as small as a penny from afar. I looked up, the lightings was as fancy as Toto's concert. Wow! I've made it this far. I turned around to see the crowd. Shit! There were about 20 people sitting on the field grass, with drinks in their hands. Some brought snacks, hotdogs and things like that.

I turned around, "hit it guys!". The sound was superb! I looked up to see the monitors were as huge as Kancil cars. "Ok, what the hell. No crowd but the show must go on. This is a stepping stone. They're not here; the crowd. But they'll be reading this stuff somewhere soon. We've got to prove ourselves", I thought.

As I started singing, I sounded like a frog, with sore throat. "Damn, what the hell is wrong with today?", I swore endlessly in my heart. And it started to drizzle. "Just what I need", I kept on singing as I watched the crowd talking and not paying attention. I turned around and looked at my mates. They were not communicating, no eye contact. I turned to Nan, he was concentrating on his riffs. Well, at least someone was trying hard.

My voice started to warm up, and I sounded better. I was beginning to have fun and I felt something wrong with the sound. Like some instruments were missing. "God, must I always check what's going on?", I turned around and I saw Apek was missing. I looked at the others and they were all sour as yogurts. I looked at Fyzal and sign-languaged why? He suddenly stopped and put his drumsticks down and went backstage. Thankfully it was our 5-minute break. I ran backstage and asked, "What the hell is wrong with everybody?". Fyzal lighted a cigarette and looked away. "Where's Apek?". No answer. I peeked at the stage and saw Nan just standing there, and Arab missing too. "What is going on?? Why are we not talking?? We can't go on like this!". As I said that, Nan and Arab left the stage. Fyzal followed them. I stood there looking at them go. I turned around and the crowd was gone.

"So much for my dreams.."

And I woke up. It really was a dream, thank goodness! It felt so real. I really thought I was going to perfom on a huge stage. That adrenalin rush before a show, was so real.

I grabbed my phone, and Nan messaged saying he just finished recording the guitar chords for Neverends. He said I was free to compose freely for the melody. I couldn't wait, so we planned to meet up for teh tarik and discuss on the song.

In composing songs (for moneyless people like us), we'd record guitar chords on our handphones, and pass it around via bluetooth, for me to compose the melody and for the rest to practice on their guitars, bass and drums. I'd normally have a headache composing, because I want it to sound nice, at least. I'd record my vocals and pass it back to Nan for approval.

If I could recall correctly, I remember him saying I could compose anyhow I liked for Neverends, ending up him composing half of it too! Hahaha... well it's his song. I'd honor it. And it sounds way better than my original melody.

Our recording session was hillarious. We had no money. So we'd find the cheapest there is in town. Or at least the cheapest way to record our demo. We took just approximately 3 hours to record 2 demos; Ganbatte! and Spastik Primat. All four of them would go in the studio and record together, leaving out the vocal part for me. I would then continue with the vocal. I think I took most of the recording hours, because I couldn't reach my own damn key! The engineer told me to change the melody. And so I did, with a hopeless face. But during our actual recording for our mini album, I told my mates to bring down one key, so I could sing the original melody. Yay!

The demo recording was a mess. That engineer really took our work lightly. I sounded like a rubber ducky. Too much sound delay and echoes. The studio is now no more in business. I heard some bad kids robbed the studio or something.

Ajeep of Kluk Kluk Adventure helped us a lot in making our mini album. He made us his lab rabbits for his new love for audio mixing, and didn't ask for anything in return. But we paid him though, a little. We were really broke at that time.

I recorded my vocals at Ameer's studio in Ukay Perdana. At that time, the studio wasn't even up yet. It was still under construction. We were, again, their lab rabbits. To test the sound and all. I recall recording my vocals without a studio door! Imagine me in a studio, with my earphones, mic and no door! It was funny. But, what the hell. We continued. For Spastik Primat, you can hear my voice like a compressed doll. Thanks to the new technology of vocal recording without a door. No need autotuner synthesizer whatsoever.

As for the guitars and bass, we did it in Ajeep's room.

We were all working at that time. So, right after work, we'd meet up somewhere for dinner and head to Ajeep's. Sometimes we just meet there. Sometimes we didn't even meet. Recorded separately. Some of us would stay until 4am to listen and do some changes, helped out with the mixing and all. Sometimes we became so grumpy if we didn't get what we wanted, due to lack of sleep. Go home at 4am and wake up the next day for work.

Ajeep was very, very helpful. He even added some strings into our songs. He dragged us along with any event he did. Played a few gigs all because of him. We even did an opening for KKA. He even trusted us to replace them at the Laundry Bar, which we couldn't make it. Well, he thought of us, at least. I guess this is what you call a friend. Damn, I think I miss his temper. Hahaha.. Seriously, he is one garang fella.

Our mini album recording costed RM1k. Eat that people. You can't find a better deal than that! But don't expect him to charge this rate anymore. We were just test instruments. His mixing has improved tremendously immediately after our EP. Ours may sound off here and there. But it's better than nothing.

Neverends, is a more happy-tuned song, which I realised most girls like this track. The vocal layers I did was spontaneous, it was there and then I made it up. I thought it was boring at first during the initial recording because the key seemed a little bit low at the chorus. After the layers, it sounded better. I noticed during gigs, this song was not a hit, because people don't know that it has other colours to the song. Ajeep even added some keyboards. Another highlight of the song; instead of a guitar solo, I made Fyzal do a drum solo. I hope that made a difference. Well, that completed Neverends.

So, here's to my best friends! The people who are there when I need them. You know who you are. Heart and soul, I will grow old with all of you. Ameen...

Song: Nan, Dibitz, Fyzal, Arab, Apek
Lyrics: Nan

Sekian lama telah kuredah
Dalam sejuta persoalan
Mencari jawapan dan pengertian

Apakah kepercayaan dan harapan
Perlu dilafazkan
Untuk membuktikan keikhlasan

Tapi kini kupasti
Tak perlu kucari lagi

Kini aku bersama
Mereka yang kupercaya
Untuk selamanya
Di sini akan aku
Hunuskan pedang perjuangan
Bersama mereka

Jauhkan diriku dari
Wajah penuh kepuraan
Jangan kau tambahkan kekusutan

Datanglah dengan hati
Yang berisikan keikhlasan
Aura pembawa kebahagiaan

Kini ku tak perlu lagi
Sembunyikan diri ini

End of Training

I'm done with training. 2 weeks of hectic, cramped (my body), training.

If you ever pass by Nephro Dept at HUKM, you'll notice the department is now paperless (hopefully soon). We've implemented computerized data system for them. And that's what I've been training them, the nurses and the nephrologists, how to put their hands on them. So, if anyone's warded to that unit (touch wood) and they are not keying in data to their system, PLEASE LET ME KNOW! tu maksudnya gajah putih in the making. ngee..

I don't know why I didn't snap any pictures during the training. Now I have nothing to show off. Hahaha.. Maybe I'll snap during 'Go Live' session.

So if you need any system for your hospital or clinic, give me a buzz. (I'm talking as if all of you owns one!)

We have:
Lab Info System
Renal Info System
Blood Donor System
Hospital Info System

If you like my face, you should get one.

I'm just so happy the training is over. Now I can have fun fun fun! (Jumping Jack)

Yipeee yipeee yipeeee!!!!

Oh I have to call Skin... lama tak borak ngan dia. Jap lagi aku call ko yeee....

Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday I'm Bummed

Kenapa la aku kena kerja hari Jumaat? Kan bagus kalau dapat cuti hari Jumaat, macam kat Kelantan semua tu. Boleh la dorang tumpukan perhatian masa Solat Jumaat. Hari Khamis half day. Ahad start kerja. Best... (Tapi jangan la hari cuti, alasan bangun lambat pastu tak pergi solat Jumaat.. hahahaha.... bese nih)

Tau tak kenapa hari Ahad cuti? Siapa yang tentukan cuti ni? --> note: to research

Sunday is a day where 'they' celebrate their SUN, that's why it's a day off. Apahal kita pulak nak kena sama-sama 'take a day off' pada hari sembahyang mereka? Dorang yang patut take a day off pada hari solat KITA! (semangat yang tegar)

(wth is tegar?)

Marilah kita sama-sama cuti pada hari Jumaat!!! hahahaha.....

Actually, I have no more mood to work today. Exhausted.

HUKM training Sessions 1 and 2 was a success! Next week, we'll continue Session 3.
I love my trainees. They're all very excited. Good job nurses!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Stuck In A Rut

Because of this HUKM project in hand


Just thinking about it makes me go insane.

I think I might create a second me, pretending I'm living in someone else's shoes. I hope to jump in a murderer's life. Like Dexter or something.

This is getting me nowhere.

Okay, I think I'm not okay.... I am not me. I think someone else is in my shoes, pushing me out.

Maybe it's Monday! Yea... that's it.

Friday, March 19, 2010

One Israel

Eh eh... One Malaysia.

Kebetulan la pulak you... (sambil menepuk bahu member gaya sotong)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I HATE Lady Gaga

You know I don't watch MTV, [V], E!, etc anymore. I'd avoid too if I had to. Thanks to my sis I sometimes get 'updates' from my enemies. haha. I love her, my sister. And thanks sis for making me cry on your previous entry on death. Demyuh.

I just believe that by watching these MTV witches my IQ may drop to a certain level and my level of defying them may be ramped down. Hahaha. But I know I'm still strong. InsyaAllah.

And also, I am really disgusted with open pussies and breasts. Watching pornography in solitary is something personal. But if it is mainstreamed and mass-produced in open daylight, that's totally immoral.

And how can you tell your daughter this is not normal? How could it be not normal mommy, when Lady Gaga and Beyonce are wearing it?

Sebab dorang tu bukan manusia, tu setan berputetkan binatang. Binatang takyah pakai baju.

But it's not merely about their dressing, really. It's more of an open mantra these witches are chanting and casting. Broadcasted to our dear youngsters. Brainwashing. Poisoning. Straight in the face, and you think it's alright, cool, trend, open-minded, fashionable, hip, in, modern, glamourous, daring, women-power.. (audio fades)

I hate this. I hate it when they spit at our faces, and we deliberately swallow them. Not we. You.

You: It's normal la, Dib. You're not normal.
Me: Yea. I'm not normal, but I'm right. (sambil jelir lidah and berambus sebelum perang mulut berlaku)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Garaa Band - Ganbatte! Live @ KL Jam Asia

Ganbatte! Translate: Good Luck! Selamat Berjaya! Vannakum! (ok ni aku tipu)

Ganbatte was the 2nd original song that was given to me. This song was easier because it did not have any original vocals in it. Kira macam minus-1 la ni. Baru la lazat aku nak dengar, tak cam Spastik Primat, spastik aku nak kena kerah otak overlap suara vocal orang lama. Tapi Ganbatte... memang ganbatte la otak aku.

I listened to them practised a few times, to get to know the song better. And so, during the same time we went to Subang to compose Spastik Primat, dalam masa 0.0005 saat Ganbatte pun siap. Dulu, sebelum aku join dorang, dorang kata nak mintak kawan-kawan dorang rap-rap sikit dalam tu. Apa jadi aku tak tau la. Terputus di tengah jalan plan tu. Disebabkan tajuk lagu Jepun, ingatkan nak selit-selit bahasa Jepun pulak. Yang ni pun ke laut jugak. Maybe this version was enough. Anyway, Ganbatte always hypes the crowd. I think it's because the guitar riffs are catchy, and the drumming is the best. (Puji band sendiri).

If you listen to the original Ganbatte, it is more of a rapcore feel. Maybe that's why they thought of including some rapping or something. But as it goes, Ganbatte has softened a little to suit the melody.

Teringat masa ni, kitorang pun sibuk nak buat sesi penggambaran. Band pictures la, boleh upload kat Myspace (dulu takde Facebook lagi). Aku punya la excited sebab boleh shopping baju baru untuk merealisasikan watak la kononnya. Konsep masa tu ala-ala anime Jepun la. Nama pun Garaa la kan. Garaa as in the character Garaa in Naruto. Siap buat research tau macamana nak bergambar. Pandang arah matahari la. Sudut tepi la. Korang ni memang semangat la.

Pagi-pagi Sabtu aku dah message bandmate suruh jumpa kat Sg Wang, nak shopping sama-sama. Jumpa la Fyzal and Apek. Rajin betul dorang layan karenah aku beli baju. Kasut lagi. Aku rasa masa tu aku ni cam adik manja la, paling muda la katakan. Tak tau lagi tu perangai bossy aku belum sampai lagi. Heh heh. Satu-satu baju aku cuba. Shoes the worst la coz my feet can't seem to find a perfect fit.

When it was shooting time, we went to Ulu Yam. Ada satu tasik besar yang aku tak tau wujud sebelum ni. Ha masa ni la tau perangai masing-masing suka melawa jugak rupanya. Arab dengan topi koboi dia. Nan dengan sweater jepun dan AllStar dia. Apek pun beli sweater Adidas baru. Fyzal dengan kasut kesayangan Nike. OooOOooOo... more vain than me, okayyy... Tapi yang kelakarnya, sweater di tengah-tengah panas! Takpe, biarlah badan macam kena microwave and sauna, gaya tetap kena ada. Dalam gambar sumpah orang ingat kita kat luar negara, spring time! Okay I exagerated again. Nyettt..

Okay enjoy the song. Lirik sebenarnya laaagi panjang, aku dah potong-potong banyak hasil nukilan Nan. Sorry hehe. Tersasul-sasul gak la nyanyi lagu ni masa awal-awal jamming. Sendiri gubah, sendiri tanggung laa..

Song: Arab, Dibitz, Nanzo, Fyzal, Apek
Lyrics: Nanzo

Jauh sudah kumelangkah
Segala dah kuredah
Biar pun kuparah
Tetap kuteguhkan langkah

Jatuhku bukanlah bermakna
Tamatnya perjalanan
Setiap kejayaan
Bermula dengan kegagalan

Kan kuusaha
Mengejar segala
Impian lama
Yang terkubur di dada
Realisasikan semua khayalan
Jadikan kenyataan

Oohh setiap kota tak dibina sekelip mata
Oohh kejayaan itu satu kebahagiaan

Biar apapun ribut yang datang
Akan kurempuh semua halangan
Biarpun kau kata itu sia-sia
Akan kupaksa kau telan segala kata

Terkubur di dada
Realisasikan semua khayalan
Jadikan kenyataan