Monday, November 30, 2009

Hukum Hudud

I was thinking of Hukum Hudud last Wednesday but wasn’t able to write it down to share. I studied a little Syariah Islam for one semester and it did leave me with much knowledge on Hukum Islam and how I suddenly turned from Human Law to Islam Law. It is so simple and fair. I wonder why it is not implemented here in Malaysia, where we call ourselves a Muslim country. Allah’s law is suitable everywhere, don’t you think? No, don’t think. How could we ever question that?

Yeah so we live in a mixed community. What does that have to do anything with Islam Law? I’m no pro here, but it is only fair if we say that the law should be put upon us Muslim only? Seriously, it’s not that bad. In fact, it is much difficult to sentence any wrong doers, if you study the principles.

Let me share what I’ve learned before, I’m sure you would agree with me. Most of the sites helped a lot in explaining, but for complete understanding, read all of these three:

1) Menyeluruh -
2) Syarat saksi hudud zina dan qazaf -
3) Cara sebat -

Nak lagi tepat, boleh la cari sendiri ye? Belajar kat orang yang lebih tau. Aku pun bukannya pandai sangat. Ada yang ingat ada yang lupa. Tapi topik ni masa belajar memang feberet!!

Okay. Sambil-sambil tu nak cerita la pengalaman buat presentation tentang topik Hudud Zina la nih. Aku siap pakai tudung labuh ye, jangan jeles. Habis je presentation, bermulalah sesi soal-jawab (more like sesi sial-jawab la..)

Ni la soalan-soalan "bernas" yang ditanyakan oleh rakan sekelas.
1) Kalau isteri dirogol suami macam mana?
2) Kalau isteri diliwat suami macam mana?
3) Kalau suami dirogol isteri macam mana?
4) Kalau seorang lelaki melepaskan nafsu kat kambing macam mana?

OKAY NOMBOR 4 TU MELAMPAU LA KANNN... CAN YOU BELIEVE THESE BOYS I HAD TO FACE!!! hahahahahaha.... Keluar dari kelas aje kena maki dengan aku! Korang nak aku fail ke? Hahahaha... Badigol. But they're all my buddies, they just like to fool around.

If you're curious for the answers above, question 1-3: kes-kes ini boleh la dibawa ke mahkamah dan biar hakim mengadilinya. Because it doesn't fall under the Hudud Law.

And for question 4 (I still can't believe they asked this question. Teringin ke woi? haha), my ustaz said the man shall be brought to court for judgement since it is not under the Hudud law, and the goat (poor thing) shall be set free.

Betul ke salah ke, wallahualam... you tell me.

Sekian sahaja lawak hari ini. (not laughing)


supersonic_teeth said...

tu la kan. my friends yg visit/temporarily working in middle eastern countries kata kat sana, masa waktu solat, semua tinggalkan je barang2 sbb takkan ada org yg berani curi. :) i remember sharil asked the lecturer the fourth question. that was hilarious. haha.

Biqque said...

betul sha, kat sana (belah2 arab la) solat itu WAJIB dan semua akan pegi solat dan tinggal segalanya...kedai, barang, whatever la...sbb takkan ada yg brani mencuri...hebat kan?

bak kata pak ein bapakku...orang arab, sambil solat bleh angkat phone "shalat, shalat!" patu sambung solat...hahahaha! ada yg dukung anak, sujud je letak, patu dukung balik, sujud je letak...ha tgk mazhab diorang :D

pape pun, malaysia payah la nak apply benda2 islam ni...dah apply, ha sesat jadi hadhari plak...hehehe...

yg baik tu dari Allah, yg buruk tu dari aku :D peace!

Ely Hasrul said...

part dukung anak patu letak tu mazhab shafie pon applicable. ade cara2 solat dukung anak cuma aku cam ragui bape tahap umur anak tuh. ade yg ckp baby xbleh jalan lagik. ade yg ckp bleh aje asal anak tu xpaham cam Sami. tapi aku mmg amalkn pada waktu2 tertentu spt semlm darurat kejarkn waktu asar, dedua nk semayang kat klcc patu Sami yg elok tdo tgh aku nak semayang bleh bgn patu cranky. ape lagik dukung cm bese dia diam gembira, aku pon senang semayang smpai abis. cara2 nk semayang dukung baby tuh leh google. hhehhehehehe. jgn lupe juga Rasulullah penah bunuh binatang berbisa time tgh semayang.

peace gak ahhahahaha

dibitz said...

pergh part tu mmg aku tatau... ok aku google! tengkius!

Liz said...

Seriously..I don't remember this class kita class lain2?
You wearing tudung labuh buat presentation....I would have remembered that..but I don't

dibitz said...

memang la u tak ingat, i sorang aje buat presentation siap sesi soal jawab i sorang aje layan mangkuk2 tu, korang dok blkg i je.. dah siap material terus shutdown memory masing2... ces.. (terasa diri ditipu)

debyG! said...

i like this post. terima kasih. kat sekolah i dulu ada banner dlm bilik study tulis besar2 "PERINGATAN BUAT DIRIKU YANG SERING TERLUPA".

this post had reminded me bout hukum Allah. Dahla baru tgk scene adultery kena rejam by Talibans in Kite Runner. sungguh menginsafkan.

tq babe.

debyG! said...
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