Monday, November 9, 2009

Finally, I got Promoted!

Setelah sekian lama aku bersabar dalam kerja aku, 3 tahun, akhirnya bos aku naikkan pangkat and gaji. Alhamdulillah. Ni namanya Tuhan nak aku habihkan hutang and hidup cara betul. I hope I can resist shopping and spending, because my intentions are solely to live the right way... (and to get a new washing machine.. hahaha... dah cam helikopter dah).

So, next month will be one hell of a challenging month. To get to know the products and clients. Yeap, I'm back to doing sales. I love doing sales... minus out-stations, late night entertainments, bribe, and stupid things like that. And I got it all the way I want it to be.

Alhamdulillah... I hope I can prove myself.


supersonic_teeth said...

alhamdulillahhhh!! congratulations!! a hearty congratulations!!!

debyG! said...

alhamdulilah.. congrats babe! ;)

Ely Hasrul said...

congratulaSion.. syukur alhamdulillah.. allah dengar doa kite tuh.. doa sambil usaha.. kiss kiss (kena over letak kiss.. hahahaha)

Biqque said...

semoga adib lebih kaya dan raya dan dapat beli washing mashing baru yg berkuasa kuda! aminnnnn!

MR. PET X-TIKL9495 said...

Congrats! Walopun aku langsung tak tau apa keja ko. Kekekekeke...

Semoga buleh beli mesin basuh besor macam kat kedai dobi punya tu.


elly mustafa said...

congrats..congrats...dah abis berdebar2 lah ni kan..

elly mustafa said...

owh ye..i pun nak ke arah hutang sifar nih..bak kata u, hidup cara year rumah dah nak siap..i want to be able to buy household items in CASH!!! insyaAllah...

dibitz said...

thanks all!

i doa kita sumer berjaya, kaya raya, sehat sejahtera dan bahagia dunia akhirat... aminn, insyaallah...

"towards living debt-free"

Liz said...
