Friday, October 23, 2009

Shawl We Wrap? We Shawl!

My dear friend Muna just started her online business and she looks like she's doing pretty well!! I'm an online business owner too at, so it excites me to introduce you our new chic on board; Shawl We Wrap. Get hold of shawl designs you rarely see out there. Selendang yang menawan hati! Be bold! Be Chic! Enjoy!

I can tell you, it's affordable, and adorable!

The one I wanted sold out in just days. Waiting for the next stock!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Doa-doa mendapat Zuriat

For my friends who are still trying... Biq pun ada buat post ni, tapi i pun nak post gak la kan.. ada lebih sket. Ini cuma kompilasi doa-doa yang penting dan disarankan. Kalau ada salah sila ajukan.


Doa untuk dapat zuriat.

Umat Islam digalakkan berdoa kerana ianya merupakan otak ibadah. Di dalam AlQuran terdapat himpunan doa-doa yang diberi oleh Allah untuk kita bacakan setiap hari.

"Ya Musawwir!"
sekiranya seorang isteri yang sudah lama belum mempunyai anak, maka cubalah ikhtiar ini dengan berpuasa selama 7 hari dari hari Ahad hingga Sabtu. Di waktu hendak berbuka puasa, ambil segelas air & dibacakan "Ya Musawwir" sebanyak 21 x, kemudian diminum air tersebut untuk berbuka puasa. Bagi sang suami, hendaklah berbuat perkara yang sama tetapi hanya dengan berpuasa selama 3 hari. Kemudian pada waktu hendak berjimak, bacalah zikir ini sebanyak 10 x, InsyaAllah akan dikurniakan anak yang soleh.

Ikutilah contoh Nabi Ibrahim a.s. dan Nabi Zakaria a.s., masing-masing tidak putus-putus berdoa kepada Allah untuk mendapat zuriat yang soleh. Mereka diduga sehingga usia yang tua dan uzur sebelum mendapat zuriat.

Doa Nabi Ibrahim a.s.

Ya Allah! Engkau mengetahui apa yang saya sembunyikan dan apa yang saya lahirkan, terimalah uzur saya; sesungguhnya Engkau mengetahui hajat ku, berikanlan permintaanku dan Engkau mengetahui apa yang ada pada diriku, maka ampunilah dosa ku.’

Doa Nabi Zakaria. a.s.

Tuhanku, janganlah engkau tinggalkan daku seorang diri padahal engkau Tuhan yang paling baik dari segala orang yang mewarisi

Surah Al-Anbiya:21:89

Dan (sebutkanlah peristiwa) Nabi Zakaria, ketika ia merayu kepada Tuhannya dengan berkata: "Wahai Tuhanku! Janganlah Engkau biarkan daku seorang diri (dengan tidak meninggalkan zuriat); dan Engkaulah jua sebaik-baik yang mewarisi".

Surah Ali-Imran 3:38


"Ya Tuhan berilah aku dari sisi Engkau seorang anak yang soleh. Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Pendengar permohonanku"

Doa sebelum persetubuhan

Dengan nama Allah , Ya Allah ! jauhkanlah kami daripada syaitan dan juahkanlah syaitan daripada apa yang Engkau kurniakan kepada kami (anak)

Doa ini amat penting diamalkan oleh setiap pasangan suami isteri bacaan doa sebelum melakukan persetubuhan demi untuk menghindar dari gangguan syaitan keatas janin kerana diriwayatkan bahwa setan boleh menganggu apabila pembentukan janin berlaku. Mungkinkah ini yang menyebabkan kecacatan pada janin dan kehamilan Molar.

InsyaAllah... God knows what's best for us all.

Humairah @ 8 months

Dah seminggu Myra demam.. tu yg tak sentuh2 blog ni.. takde mood. But she's getting better. Went to clinic twice, lastly I noticed she had a hard time swallowing, so I suspected that she had sore throat. But previously she drank just fine. I guessed it developed late. So, I took her to PPUM, and true enough, her throat was bad... She's getting better now. Making sure she finishes her antibiotic.

We went to Biq's Raya Open House the other weekend. It was great, food and all. She, as always, had a theme. And this time was "Baju Raya". So the three of us wore our baju raya (I wore last year's, I only have one pair this year) including Myra! Her baju kurung was made by her Tante Fara!

Guess who won the lucky draw (for babies)? Myra and Sami! hehehe... Myra is always lucky in these kinda things. I hope it stays that way. Coz her parents aren't that fortunate in winning anything! hehehehe..

Pics credits to: debygorgeousz and biqque

Thursday, October 1, 2009

My mind is so full of things...

Wow.. I left this blog for quite some time. Imagine in just a few weeks, I feel my head is loaded with stuffs that my body can't comprehend sometimes. Too much knowledge can sometimes damage our focus. It's just because you already know too much. Patut la orang alim-alim tak banyak cakap kosong, banyak benda dia tau kot. I'm not saying I'm alim, hellooooo.... knowing too much doesn't mean I know about religion. Knowing about satan is more like it.. hahaha.. that can really load my head up. That's why I get burdened. If you know a lot about religion your head should be lighter, not fogged up like mine! hahaha...

Anyway, again, I'm not saying I know a lot about satan though. I have been studying more deeply about the One Eyed Dajjal and now I'm being paranoid in everything I see. My point here is, sometimes we already know about the Truth, but yet we still ignore our duties to Allah. Contohnya, apasal susah sangat nak solat 5 kali sehari? Dah tau tugas setan melalaikan kita pun kita stilllll ikut cara salah, betul tak? We preach about the Truth yet we don't stand by it faithfully.

The answer is, we are so trapped in this SYSTEM (created by our enemies) that makes us forget about our duties. Though we must always remind ourselves that there shall be no REASON for our negligence. la hawla wala quwwata illa billah (There is no power or strength except with Allah). Tuhan tarik kita punya daya baru tau nak terkapai mintak ampun. We're trapped in this 9-5 "career", banking system, tv entertainment, false history, masonic leaders, etc. EVERYTHING is made to make us forget. Kalau orang berubah menjadi alim kita panggil poyo. Kalau kita tak kerja dengan company besar kita tak dipandang tinggi. Status and pangkat menjadi rebutan. Ilmu pengetahuan didahulukan bukannya ilmu agama. You see how things are making us think that the Right is Wrong and the Wrong is Right? That IS their plan. If you want to know, Ilmu Agama IS THE ONLY ILMU for us. The rest are just side dishes. Bukannya tak penting. Take Ibnu Sina for example. He's so knowledgeable and yet he puts Islam as a base. Sebagai akar pada semua benda. Now that's the right way. How sad we're so narrowed down to just these few paths. 6 tahun masuk sekolah, 18 tahun masuk universiti, 21 tahun kerja bersama ahli keparat, 31 tahun.. masih garu kepala nak bayar hutang. Trapped. Not that we don't want to get out of this mess, but the architecture of the demon is so powerful you simply can't do anything about it. Actually, we can. Nak taknak aje.. betul tak?

Ponder.. ponder.. ponder.. I hate the word ponder. What's the point of pondering when you don't take action on it?

Itulahnye, semuanya bergantung pada iman...

Other than that, something came up and hope it all goes well. Will update when it's all green light. I've also been busy listening to (despite all the above said, fark) goth metal music, for jamming sessions only. Suka-suka session. I don't have a freaking hobby so lay off a bit on this, ok? I've been listening to it so much that my baby Myra has started to growl!! Oh help! hahaha... she's just adorable.

And last but not least, my Raya this year was so-so. No visiting relatives so it was kinda quiet. But I had fun in Penang as usual. Makan makan makan. And we took hubby to Kek Lok Si for the first time. Glad he was happy too!

So then, Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin.

*All the above written spontaneously. I might blabber the wrong things. So... maaf zahir batin lah.. hehe..

p/s: blogspot cam taik sbb susah nak load gambar. tahun depan la aku upload gambar myra pakai baju kurung.