Saturday, May 18, 2019

What To Give For Teacher's Day?

Teachers are the second layers for the next generation.  The first layer should of course be the parents. 

Just as much as we have to respect our parents, teachers need to be honoured too.  So we pick one day to celebrate the Teachers.  And usually this is the day children will be giving gifts to their favourite teachers.

But what do you give?

Enough with the mugs and Tupperwares, I'm sure they have tons of them.

So I had a tip from a teacher and she really appreciates gifts that are consumable.  Such as sandwiches, fried chicken, cakes, cookies, chocolates and fruits.  I think that's a great treat for them. 

So, go on, bake your favourite butter cake.  Share them with your kid's teacher.  Who knows you'll even start your very own business from there onwards.

Happy Teachers' Day!

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